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Minecraft - Mining Emeralds, Diamonds, Gold, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli

Komentarze: Minecraft - Mining Emeralds, Diamonds, Gold, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli LPS Loversx: When I'm finished recording my videos I Use the Upload button in the upper right corner on my Youtube page to upload my videos! - od Cat With Three Tails
I record on bandicam,do you know how to upload videos to YouTube? Thankyou☺️ - od LPS Loversx
 - od jeffrey richards
What enchants did you have on your pickaxe, bow and sword? - od *Forsaken Angels* TylerJames21
I l - od bre e
 - od Daniel Nelson
Is this david - od Thaddeuz Hunter
Stupid everyone knows your a hacker.
 - od joseph brandon
Misd so much dimend - od Carson Watford
Some one should of told me it was mob hunting - od Carson Watford
You realt suck in minecraft - od Benjamin Alnes
wow first emralds :D - od Super Minecraft
You didnt Sven pick up the emerald dumb dumb sucker - od arek kopec
No tock - od Eric Rangel Jr.
Nice and quiet vids so nice - od George Mitchell
I made my own mine down to level 12 i end up under extreme hills biome and I find 2 emeralds but no diamonds is that bad? - od Buggle Chick
stupid - od Jose Martin
cool bro but dumb 2222212123312 - od XYY JitTers
dude did you not see all that stuff you passed - od ThePokeMaster 106
AT SOME TIME PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - od William Wyrmflower Gaming